William Leach

William Leach

Current Institution:

Centre College


Shelbyville, IL


Fields of Interest:

Bioinformatics and Genomics

Medical Genetics- Human and Animal

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Genetics


When and how did you realize that you wanted to study Genetics & Genomics?

I knew I wanted to study Genetics and Genomics because it was the only field of science where I felt I could make the most positive impact on medicine without necessarily treating actual patients. After completing an REU in the BCBP department working in the Threadgill Lab in the summer of 2023, the possibilities in this field never seemed to stop and I knew that there were so many questions that could be answered with this field!

Why did you choose the Genetics & Genomics Ph.D. program at A&M?

I am coming in from a very small university, so this experience will be at the opposite end of the spectrum for me in terms of culture! However, I felt challenged and wanted not only for contributions I can make in the laboratory but for the ones I can make to the character of the program.

If you were free to choose anything, what research question/topic would you like to address for your graduate studies?

Unveiling the hidden connections between the immune system and cancer with the goal of utilizing the information for novel treatment options for children and young adults.

Fun Facts:

What would be your dream job after graduation from the program?

I would love to be in the lab for a substantial amount of time in industry or a post-doctoral path. However, at the end of the day I would love to be a professor or teach in one way or another at some point in my career!

Do you have any hidden talents? If so, what are they.

I was on the men’s golf team in college so maybe mini golf or something at Big Shots!

Do you have any pets? If so, please tell us about them.

I wish!! I want a dog soon so hopefully in the future! (When I have just a little bit more money)

Favorite place you have travelled to.

I studied abroad on the North Island of New Zealand in January of 2023 and hiked volcanoes for a month! (That is actually where this picture of me comes from after hiking 14 miles at Tongariro National Park!!)