Mojik, Veronika

Veronika Mojik

Current Institution:

University of North Carolina Asheville

(B.A. in Chemistry and B.S. in Biology)


Rychvald, Czech Republic


Fields of Interest:

Bioinformatics and Genomics

Medical Genetics – Human and Animal

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Genetics


When and how did you realize that you wanted to study Genetics & Genomics?

After conducting a microbiology REU at UGA in a fungal genetic laboratory led by Dr. Zachary Lewis, I realized that genetics is the field I want to be a part of. This was the first time I was properly exposed to genetics and was able to learn about multiple different genetic techniques and methods which inspired me to fully pursue a career in this field.

Why did you choose the Genetics & Genomics Ph.D. program at A&M?

After spending a couple days at Texas A&M with the current GGSA members and many different professors, I felt support and excitement from everyone I spoke to. I chose this program because of the supporting community and the many different research areas A&M offers.

If you were free to choose anything, what research question/topic would you like to address for your graduate studies?

I would like to research the underlying mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 in terms with correcting the Sickle Cell Disease mutation through gene editing.

Fun Facts:

What would be your dream job after graduation from the program?

My dream job after graduating from Texas A&M would be working in the gene editing of gene therapy industry. Helping people with genetic diseases is my long-term goal.

Favorite place you have travelled to.

My favorite place I travelled to is the Grand Canyon! The views are unforgettable.