Sarah Ingram
Undergraduate Institution: Texas A&M University – Texarkana
Hometown: Bunbury, Western Australia
Fields of Interest:
Medical Genetics- Human and Animal
Microbial Genetics
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Genetics
When and how did you realize that you wanted to study Genetics?
I became interested in genetics upon my return to college after military service. I was unsure of what new path to take and was lucky enough to have a professor whose passion for Genetics rubbed off on me.
Why did you choose the Genetics PhD program at A&M?
I attended A&M in Texarkana and was able to work with knowledgeable professors from so many different fields. They recommended this program as a top choice for my future studies and upon seeing all the research opportunities available I was sold.
If you were free to choose anything, what research question/topic would you like to address for your graduate studies?
I am interested in researching genetic predisposition to neurological disorders that affect memory, as well as how physical brain trauma interacts with those predispositions.
Fun Facts:
Who was your famous role model growing up?
Lucy Lawless. That ages me a bit, but Xena was a staple of my childhood.
What would be your dream job after graduation from the program?
I don’t have a particular job I’d like, but I’d be happy if I can contribute to, or improve, dementia treatment in any small way.
Do you have any hidden talents? If so, what are they.
I’m extremely mechanically inclined. From motorcycles to passenger vehicles, to helicopters and cargo planes. You name it, I can figure out how fix it.
Do you have any pets? If so, please tell us about them.
I’ve got a Great Dane mix named Shiner, a Pitbull named Tucker and an Australian Shepherd mix named Pepper. They’re all rescues with vastly different personalities, but I don’t know what I’d do without them.
Favorite place you have travelled to.
New York! I was named after one of the characters from Dr. Who, so I travelled to Comic-Con a few years ago to meet David Tennant.