Kexin Pang

Kexin Pang

Current Institution:

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Handan city, Hebei Province, China


Fields of Interest:

Bioinformatics and Genomics

Microbial Genetics

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Genetics

When and how did you realize that you wanted to study Genetics & Genomics?

It was during my undergraduate studies at Nanjing Agricultural University, where I was fascinated by the intrinsic regulatory rules of how life actually works. I was also impressed by the great scientists whose work helped discover those rules and laid the foundation for us to have more discoveries. So, that all attract me to further my studies in genetics and genomics.

Why did you choose the Genetics & Genomics Ph.D. program at A&M?

Because I’ve learned that it is an interdisciplinary program that students can choose research areas in different departments, which provides students with more opportunities and options to find the lab that best suits their interests. Moreover, Texas A&M university has a high reputation in biological research and the Ph.D. training program has high quality. These all attract me to apply for the Genetics & Genomics Ph.D. program at A&M. I am excited about my future studies at A&M.

If you were free to choose anything, what research question/topic would you like to address for your graduate studies?

I am very interested in synthetic biology and the integration with artificial intelligence. I hope to do more work in biosystems design or biomolecular design with synthetic biology techniques and artificial intelligence algorithms, which may help solve some significant issues and put forward the development of society.

Fun Facts:

Do you have any pets? If so, please tell us about them.

I have two dogs whose names are Dian Dian and Nuan Nuan. Dian Dian is Nuan Nuan’s mom. In Chinese, Dian Dian means small and cute, and Nuan Nuan means warmth. They are really cute and give me a lot of warmth. I do enjoy the pleasure we had together. Dian Dian came to our home when she was about one month old. Since then, they have stayed in our home for more than ten years. Unfortunately, I went to school in other cities most of the years. And I do miss the time we spent together. I love them.

Favorite place you have travelled to.

I have traveled to many places in China and I have only been abroad to Canada. My favorite place is Lijiang City in Yunnan Province in China. It is home to the Naxi minority group and features ancient architecture, cobblestone streets, and stunning mountain views. I love their culture, the gorgeous scenery and delicious cuisine. The Old Town of Lijiang is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, filled with traditional Naxi architecture and charming canals. Besides, Lijiang is also a city famous for its music festivals, like the Lijiang Snow Mountain Music Festival. I love the folk music there. Nowadays, many youngsters go to Lijiang to relax and enjoy the music.