Brighton Garrett

Brighton Garrett

Current Institution:

Baylor University 


Paso Robles, California


Fields of Interest:

Bioinformatics and Genomics

Medical Genetics- Human and Animal

Microbial Genetics


When and how did you realize that you wanted to study Genetics & Genomics?

I realized I wanted to study genetics and genomics in high school when I was first introduced to the CRISPR-Cas 9 system. Then, in my sophomore year, during my genetics course at Baylor, I realized that genetics was the field I wanted to study for the rest of my life. I was intrigued by everything my professor spoke about and couldn’t wait to keep learning more.

Why did you choose the Genetics & Genomics Ph.D. program at A&M?

I chose the Genetics and Genomics program at A&M because of the extensive research opportunities and diversity of faculty members A&M offers. The current research that A&M is doing in the field made me hopeful that I would also fund something I want to research. I felt as though all of the faculty and students cared for how you were as a person and making sure you succeeded in a Ph.D. program and this was something that was really important to me.

If you were free to choose anything, what research question/topic would you like to address for your graduate studies?

I would love to address research that will influence healthcare professionals in treating genetic disorders. Specifically, I would like to research how personalized medicine can be used to treat future diseases, especially using GWAS and whole genome sequencing.

Fun Facts:

Do you have any pets? If so, please tell us about them.

I have a Shorkie at home named Leo. He was born in 2016 and has so much energy still. He is spunky and loving. I would love to also get another dog while I am at A&M.

Favorite place you have traveled to.

My favorite place I have traveled was the South of France specifically around Nice. The views were stunning and the food was amazing. We went during the citrus festival and the oranges were delicious.